About Us


Fish Corner Seafood,

We believe that knowledge about seafood is vital, especially in a region where seafood knowledge is not very common. Fish Corner Seafood is a hub where you can access trustworthy and authenticated information about healthy seafood sourced from the ocean. While many may only be familiar with a few locally caught fish varieties, at Fish Corner Seafood, we provide comprehensive details and knowledge about each product, ensuring that you know exactly what you're consuming.


How We Operate

We operate on a "just-in-time" model.

This means that we maintain zero seafood inventories. Every seafood order is meticulously arranged and processed immediately after you place it. While this approach may result in slightly longer delivery times, it is the only way we can guarantee the delivery of the freshest and highest-quality seafood to your doorstep.All our seafood products (excluding freshwater seafood) are sourced daily from the wild and organic treasures of the Arabian Ocean. We are committed to selling only fresh seafood, never resorting to stocking or chemical processing.

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Notice: Delivery charges is not included in this bill.
