

Amberjack (Saafi)

Rs 700.00

The Yellowtail Amberjack is not a common fish in Pakistan.It has a worldwide distribution along the coasts extending from north subarctic to south subarctic but preferring warmer waters like the Arabian sea.

The size you get: 2 – 8 kg per fish

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cutting you choose.

  • Category : Saltwater Fish


While this fish is currently fairly plentiful, it is becoming somewhat depleted because of overfishing. At Karachi fish harbour one can occasionally spot amberjacks being offloaded from fishing trawlers.

Amberjack – Saafi are rarely sought after by anglers. They’re most commonly caught while trolling for larger and more desirable fish, like sharks, tuna, and barracuda. Nonetheless, catching amberjack isn’t a total loss—they can be eaten and are consumed on a large-scale commercial basis.

Flavour Profile

This is a medium and dark meat fish with a distinct but pleasant flavour. It’s not a fish for those who want “fish lite”, but is highly thought of by people who actually like fish. The dark strip down the centre runs quite deep, but it does not differ greatly in flavour or oiliness from the lighter flesh.


Amberjack is a Sea fish that lives in deep seaward reefs, occasionally entering coastal bays, smaller fish may be taken in shallow water.


They are generally blue, bluish-green, or purplish-green above and silvery-white below. Amberjacks can be distinguished by their yellow caudal fins.

Cutting Preferences

Since it’s a large fish, Amberjack is preferred for boneless cutting only.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100%
  2. Gutted: 75%
  3. Headless: 60%
  4. Slices: 65%
  5. Boneless: 40%

Health Benefits

  1. Heart friendly
  2. Lowers Blood Pressure
  3. Improves Immune System
  4. Strengthens the bones
  5. Improves Skin and Hair health



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