

Bengal Corvina (Goli Mushka)

Rs 930.00

Bengal Corvina (Goli Mushka) stands out in the Pakistani fisheries due to its delicate flavor, tender texture, and versatility in culinary preparations. Its mild taste, nutrient-rich profile, and ability to absorb a variety of flavors make it a preferred choice in many cuisines.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Bengal Corvina (Goli Mushka) stands out in the Pakistani fisheries due to its delicate flavor, tender texture, and versatility in culinary preparations. Its mild taste, nutrient-rich profile, and ability to absorb a variety of flavors make it a preferred choice in many cuisines.

With cultural significance in regions where it’s found, it holds a special place in local culinary traditions. Bengal Corvina’s sustainability and wide availability further distinguish it as a desirable and responsible seafood option. It’s not very abundant in the Arabian sea though and majority of the catch come from coastal areas of Sindh.

Flavor Profile

Bengal Corvina (Goli Mushka) is celebrated for its mild, delicate flavor and tender, flaky texture. Its taste profile is often described as sweet and clean, with a subtle oceanic note.


In Pakistan, the Bengal Corvina inhabits coastal and nearshore environments. It prefers areas with sandy or muddy seabeds, often found in estuaries, lagoons, and shallow coastal waters.

Physical Attributes

It has a single dorsal fin with spines and soft rays and a forked tail fin. This species is known for its adaptability to various coastal environments and is sought after by anglers for its culinary qualities.

Cutting Preferences

Keeping in mind the average size of the Bengal Corvina, the preferable cuttings are whole/gutted or slices.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. – Whole: 100% 
  2. – Gutted: 80% 
  3. – Headless: 60% 
  4. – Slices: 55% 
  5. – Boneless: 34% 


Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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