

Bombay Duck (Bombil)

Rs 650.00

Bombay duck, or bombil as it is called locally, is one of Pakistan’s iconic and differentiating culinary experiences. This charmingly misnamed delicacy is actually a fish, whose pungent odor is part of that special love-it-or-hate it-factor.It got its name in the days of the British era, from being transported on an iconic train, the Bombay duck – bombil, duck is the Urdu word for mail. The term was then bastardized to duck.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Bombay duck, or bombil as it is called locally, is one of Pakistan’s iconic and differentiating culinary experiences. This charmingly misnamed delicacy is actually a fish, whose pungent odor is part of that special love-it-or-hate it-factor.

It got its name in the days of the British era, from being transported on an iconic train, the Bombay duck – bombil, duck is the Urdu word for mail. The term was then bastardized to duck.

Bombil is a highly seasonal fish and is usually available around the monsoon period. Unfortunately, the fish is rapidly disappearing from Pakistan’s coastal waters, driven away by a lethal combination of overfishing and climate change.


Flavor Profile

It has a strong, fishy, and excessively salty taste with a brittle, crumbly texture. Bombil is very tricky to cook and only experience cooks can achieve the best out of it.



Bombay Duck is a Sea fish that lives in benthic regions of offshore waters, also in deltas of rivers to feed during monsoons.



Bombay Duck is a Sea fish that lives in benthic regions of offshore waters, also in deltas of rivers to feed during monsoons.


Cutting Preferrences

Bombay Duck is a highly delicate fish and is only preferred for whole and gutted cutting. Slices and boneless fillets are not recommended.


Approx. Cutting Wastage

  • Whole: 100%
  • Gutted: 70%
  • Headless: 60%
  • Slices: 55%
  • Boneless: 35%


Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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