

Bridled Bream (Captain)

Rs 900.00

So far, you might have noticed that all the fish from the bream family are beautiful and so is the bridled bream. Although not very abundant such as common sea bream or Goldline bream bridled bream – captain has a limited supply throughout the year.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

  • Category : Saltwater Fish


So far, you might have noticed that all the fish from the bream family are beautiful and so is the bridled bream. Although not very abundant such as common sea bream or Goldline bream bridled bream – captain has a limited supply throughout the year.

Bridled bream – captain is slightly thick and meaty as compared to other breams and is a versatile cutting option. This sweet and moist flavor fish can be cooked in any imaginable way.

Flavor Profile

Captain fish has pinkish flesh when raw and sweet and a mild taste when properly cooked.


The captain is a Sea fish that lives in shallow coastal waters, mainly around coral reefs, enters estuaries and bays.


On average, the Captain size range is 300 to 700 grams per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.

Cutting Preferrences

The captain is preferred for all types of cutting but Whole & gutted is the best option.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

Whole: 100%
Gutted: 80%
Headless: 65%
Slices: 60%
Boneless: 33%

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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