

Catla ( Catla )

Rs 900.00

Catla Fish, known as the “Jewel of Freshwater Delights,” With its remarkable attributes and distinctive flavor, Catla Fish has become a favorite among seafood enthusiasts.

Its popularity is rooted in its exquisite taste and adaptability to various culinary creations. From sumptuous fillets to boneless delicacies, Catla Fish stands ready to elevate your dining experiences.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

  • Category : Freshwater Fish


Catla Fish, known as the “Jewel of Freshwater Delights,” With its remarkable attributes and distinctive flavor, Catla Fish has become a favorite among seafood enthusiasts.

Its popularity is rooted in its exquisite taste and adaptability to various culinary creations. From sumptuous fillets to boneless delicacies, Catla Fish stands ready to elevate your dining experiences.


Flavor Profile

Catla Fish boasts a lean, succulent flesh that showcases a firm texture and a captivating blend of sweet and nutty flavors. Its versatility in accommodating a wide spectrum of seasonings and spices makes it an excellent choice for crafting culinary masterpieces that cater to both delicate and bold taste preferences.



Catla Fish thrives in freshwater havens, primarily inhabiting the calm waters of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Its natural habitat grants it a distinctive taste profile, setting it apart as a delicacy deeply connected to the purity of these aquatic environments.



Catla Fish lends itself gracefully to various cuts, be it the elegance of whole presentation, the convenience of boneless fillets, or the culinary artistry of slices. Each cut retains the essence of Catla’s flavor, promising an exquisite dining journey.



Catla Fish delights the eyes as much as the palate. Its body presents a symphony of colors, transitioning from rich reddish-orange to a silvery sheen. The scales dance between bronze and silvery white on the belly and underside of the head, creating a mesmerizing visual experience.


Physical Attributes


Head and body are dusky golden dorsally and silver ventrally. Fins are gray to black. All the fins are generally light grey to black, although fish taken from turbid waters often have yellowish fins, with the anal fin being the brightest.


Cutting Preferences

Catla Fish lends itself gracefully to various cuts, be it the elegance of whole presentation, the convenience of boneless fillets, or the culinary artistry of slices. Each cut retains the essence of Catla’s flavor, promising an exquisite dining journey.


Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100 %
  2. Gutted: 75 %
  3. Headless: 55 %
  4. Slices: 55 %
  5. Boneless: 40 %


Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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