

Common Carp (Gulfam)

Rs 750.00

In Pakistan, common carp is a cherished culinary choice. Its mild flavor and adaptable texture make it ideal for a variety of traditional dishes. From fried preparations to curries, it seamlessly absorbs the rich flavors of Pakistani spices. Common carp’s availability and versatility in cooking methods contribute to its popularity in local cuisine, offering a delectable dining experience

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Freshwater Fish


In Pakistan, common carp is a cherished culinary choice. Its mild flavor and adaptable texture make it ideal for a variety of traditional dishes. From fried preparations to curries, it seamlessly absorbs the rich flavors of Pakistani spices. Common carp’s availability and versatility in cooking methods contribute to its popularity in local cuisine, offering a delectable dining experience

Flavor Profile

Common Carp, familiar to Pakistani tastes, presents a mild taste that aligns well with our rich spices. Its firm yet tender texture suits our curries and fries. When cooked, it absorbs flavors beautifully, creating a delightful balance between our traditional seasonings and its succulent meat.


Common Carp are adaptable, thriving in various freshwater habitats across Pakistan. They inhabit rivers, lakes, and ponds, often preferring slow-moving waters with vegetation and hiding spots.

Physical Attributes

Common carp fish have an elongated, slightly flattened body with large scales. Their coloration varies, often including shades of olive, brown, or gray. They possess barbels near their mouth for sensory perception. Dorsal and anal fins have spines, and their mouth is located beneath their snout. These attributes adapt them well to their freshwater habitats and feeding habits.

Cutting Prefernces

In Pakistan, common carp is typically cut into fillets and steaks. Filleting removes bones, yielding boneless portions suitable for various cooking methods. Steaks are cross-sectional cuts that include the bone, often used for grilling or frying. These cutting preferences align with local culinary practices and preferences, allowing for versatile and delicious preparations of common carp dishes.

Health Benefits

Common Carp fish offers notable health benefits. Rich in lean protein, it supports muscle growth and repair. Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to heart health, reducing inflammation. B vitamins aid metabolism, energy production, and overall well-being. Its nutritional value makes it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Approx. Cutting Yields

  1. – Whole: 100% 
  2. – Gutted: 80%
  3. – Headless: 60%
  4. – Slices: 55% 
  5. – Boneless: 40% 

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