

Dentex ( Daathi )

Rs 1380.00

Dentex fish locally known as Daathi is closely related to Red Snapper ( Heera ) and Grunter ( Dhotar ) shape and taste. Dentex – Daathi is known to have a great fish for curry and frying but it’s highly seasonal. Daathi is usually caught in coastal areas. A Daathi above 1 kg in size is considered very good for all types of cooking requirements. Daathi is not very abundant in the Pakistani sea, so it’s not commonly available at shops and roadside fishmongers.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Dentex fish locally known as Daathi is closely related to Red Snapper ( Heera ) and Grunter ( Dhotar ) shape and taste. Dentex – Daathi is known to have a great fish for curry and frying but it’s highly seasonal. Daathi is usually caught in coastal areas. A Daathi above 1 kg in size is considered very good for all types of cooking requirements. Daathi is not very abundant in the Pakistani sea, so it’s not commonly available at shops and roadside fishmongers.

Flavor Profile

Dentex is not only great game fish but is very famous for its taste and aroma. Its pinkish-white flesh is firm and flaky and turns to be very juicy when cooked properly.


Dentex is usually found in shallow water less than 50 m deep.

Physical Attributes

This has scales on the body.


In young Dentex specimens, the color is silvery-brown, stained with black on the back and top, pink with sexual maturity; Older individuals have blue-gray and darker spots more or less spread with age.

Cutting Preferences

Dentex is preferred for all types of cutting.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100 %
  2. Gutted: 82 %
  3. Headless: 70 %
  4. Slices: 65 %
  5. Boneless:40 %

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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