

Guitarfish (serole)

Rs 650.00

The guitarfish-Serol are known for an elongated body with a flattened head and trunk and small, ray-like wings. This most primitive of rays (along with thornback rays) is also one of the best eating.

It has relatively narrow “wings” which are useless for eating; instead, it has a long, thick broad-based tail that is full of meat. Guitarfish-Serol are delicious and give you a unique culinary experience.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Other Seafood


The guitarfish-Serol are known for an elongated body with a flattened head and trunk and small, ray-like wings. This most primitive of rays (along with thornback rays) is also one of the best eating.

It has relatively narrow “wings” which are useless for eating; instead, it has a long, thick broad-based tail that is full of meat. Guitarfish-Serol are delicious and give you a unique culinary experience.


Flavour Profile 

Guitarfish has a mild and sweet flavor and turns out to be very tender and flaky.



Guitarfish often bury themselves in the sand, mud, or weedy bottoms near patch reefs. They can also be found along beaches anywhere from the shoreline to as far out as 98 feet deep (30 meters) and are believed to tolerate fresh, brackish, and marine water.



Guitarfish have the appearance of both a shark and a skate. The color has shades of brown and grey.



On average, the Guitarfish size range is from 2 kg to 15 kg per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.


Cooking Method

Guitarfish is preferred to grill, bbq, fry, and steam.


Approx. Cleaning Yields

  1. Whole: 100 %
  2. Boneless: 35 %

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