

Horse Mackerel (Kawwa)

Rs 700.00

Horse Mackerel (Kawwa) stands out due to its widespread availability, low price tag, nutritional richness with omega-3s and essential nutrients, and versatility in culinary preparations like grilling, frying, and steaming. Its cultural significance and economic importance in Pakistani exports underscores its importance.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Horse mackerel (Kawwa) stands out due to its widespread availability, low price tag, nutritional richness with omega-3s and essential nutrients, and versatility in culinary preparations like grilling, frying, and steaming. Its cultural significance and economic importance in Pakistani exports underscores its importance.

As a vital part of marine ecosystems, it occupies a key position in the food chain. This fish’s distinct flavor profile, adaptability to traditional preservation methods, and contribution to research on sustainable fishing practices further enhance its uniqueness. Overall, horse mackerel’s combination of ecological significance, culinary diversity, and nutritional value makes it a special and valued resource.


Flavor Profile

The flavor profile of horse mackerel is generally described as mild to moderate in intensity, with a distinct but not overpowering fish taste. It is often considered less fishy compared to some other types of mackerels, making it appealing to a broader range of palates. The flavor can be influenced by various factors, including the fish’s habitat, freshness, diet, and how it’s prepared.



The horse mackerel (Kawwa) is a pelagic fish species that inhabits open waters of various oceans, including the Arabian Sea. In the Arabian Sea, horse mackerel can be found in both coastal and offshore regions. It tends to prefer warmer waters and is often associated with oceanic currents and upwelling zones that bring nutrient-rich water to the surface.



The size range of a Horse mackerel can vary widely depending on factors such as species, age, habitat, and environmental conditions. Generally, it can weigh anywhere from a few 100 gm to 400 gm.


Physical Attributes

Horse mackerel ( Kawwa ) possess elongated bodies, metallic blue-green to silver coloration on the dorsal side, and a silvery-white belly.


Approx. Cutting Wastages

  1. Whole:  100 %
  2. Gutted:  80 %
  3. Headless: 60 %


Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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