

Indian Mackerel (Bangda)

Rs 730.00

Indian Mackerel – Bangda is a highly commercial fish in South Asia and probably the number one exported fish from Pakistan to China, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Europe. The fish is very seasonal in Pakistan and is abundantly available from September to March. However, limited supply remains to continues in the off-seasons as well. Since it’s a relatively small fish, it has very limited cooking options. Indian Mackerel – Bangda is one of the healthiest fish found in the Arabian Sea and is loaded with Omega-3, Protein, and Zinc.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Indian Mackerel – Bangda is a highly commercial fish in South Asia and probably the number one exported fish from Pakistan to China, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Europe. The fish is very seasonal in Pakistan and is abundantly available from September to March. However, limited supply remains to continues in the off-seasons as well. Since it’s a relatively small fish, it has very limited cooking options. Indian Mackerel – Bangda is one of the healthiest fish found in the Arabian Sea and is loaded with Omega-3, Protein, and Zinc.



Indian Mackerel is a Sea fish that mainly lives in the Pelagic region and travels in schools near coastal waters.


Physical Attricutes

Indian Mackerel has only a few Scales right behind the gill covers.



Back blue-green with longitudinal dark bands dorsally (golden in fresh specimens), silvery below with 1 or 2 rows of small, dark spots on sides of dorsal fin bases, dorsal fins yellowish with black tips, caudal and pectoral fins yellowish and other fins dusky.



On average, Indian Mackerel size range is 100 gram to 150 gram per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.


Cutting Preferences

Indian Mackerel is preferred for Whole & Gutted and Headless.


Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100 %
  2. Gutted: 80 %
  3. Headless: 68 %
  4. Slices: 65 %
  5. Boneless: Not Possible


Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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