

Leather Jacket (Irani Paplet)

Rs 1400.00

Possibly one of the most underrated fish in the sea, leather Jacket – Irani Paplet make excellent eating, with very few bones and sweet delicate flesh.For many people, it seems they just don’t know about leather jacket – Irani Paplet fish. Trust us, once you try it, you won’t be letting any other fish into your kitchen. Just remember that with any leatherjacket you plan to buy, you will lose half of the fish in the form of head and guts during cleaning.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Possibly one of the most underrated fish in the sea, leather Jacket – Irani Paplet make excellent eating, with very few bones and sweet delicate flesh.For many people, it seems they just don’t know about leather jacket – Irani Paplet fish. Trust us, once you try it, you won’t be letting any other fish into your kitchen. Just remember that with any leatherjacket you plan to buy, you will lose half of the fish in the form of head and guts during cleaning.

Flavor Profile

Most of the time our customers want it to be skinned and headless, but still on the bone. “Easy to fillet, the flesh is mild flavored and has an almost ‘chickenability’ in regards to how you can cook it.


LeatherJacket is a Sea fish that mainly lives in Semi-pelagic regions on the continental shelf.


They have a uniform or mottled greenish-grey body with distinctive bright orange fins. The skin is tough and leathery, giving it the name ‘Leatherjacket’.


On average, the leatherJacket fish size range is 500 – 2000 grams per fish. However, larger sizes are also occasionally available.

Cutting Preferences

Superb in curries, the leather jacket also excels when baked, grilled, and even deep-fried. We suggest it to be “cooked on the bone, where they remain soft and juicy and absorb the rich flavor of the bones.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100%
  2. Gutted: 70%
  3. Headless: 50%
  4. Slices: 50%
  5. Boneless: 35%

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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