

Milk Fish (Sulemani)

Rs 600.00

Luckily, the milk fish – Sulemani is the sole living species in the family Chanidae. Milk fish – sulemani is very famous around the world especially in Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and the Philippines.The foreigners living in Pakistan constitute a great portion of our milkfish customers. Milkfish was formerly synonymous with eighteen other names owing largely to apparent geographic variations of the type specimens described. However, the credit associated with the presently accepted scientific name of milkfish belongs to Forskal. 

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Luckily, the milk fish – Sulemani is the sole living species in the family Chanidae. Milk fish – sulemani is very famous around the world especially in Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and the Philippines.

The foreigners living in Pakistan constitute a great portion of our milkfish customers. Milkfish was formerly synonymous with eighteen other names owing largely to apparent geographic variations of the type specimens described. However, the credit associated with the presently accepted scientific name of milkfish belongs to Forskal.


Milkfish is a sea fish that lives in coastal pelagic, entering estuaries, and brackish waters.


Milkfish has an olive-green back when alive with silvery flanks. The dorsal and caudal fins are with dark margins.


On average, the milkfish size range is 200 to 1000 grams per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.

Cutting Preferences

MilkFish is preferred for all whole, headless, and slices.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100 %
  2. Gutted: 80 %
  3. Headless\: 65%
  4. Slices: 60 %
  5. Boneless: 38 %

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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