

Mrigal Carp ( Murathi )

Rs 700.00

Less known, Mrigal carp is a favored culinary option in Pakistan. Its tender flesh and mild taste align well with local preferences. Often featured in curries and fried dishes, it absorbs the flavors of Pakistani spices beautifully. Mrigal carp’s availability and suitability for various cooking methods contribute to its popularity as a delicious and wholesome choice in Pakistani cuisine.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Freshwater Fish


Less known, Mrigal carp is a favored culinary option in Pakistan. Its tender flesh and mild taste align well with local preferences. Often featured in curries and fried dishes, it absorbs the flavors of Pakistani spices beautifully. Mrigal carp’s availability and suitability for various cooking methods contribute to its popularity as a delicious and wholesome choice in Pakistani cuisine.


Flavor Profile

Common Carp, familiar to Pakistani tastes, presents a mild taste that aligns well with our rich spices. Its firm yet tender texture suits our curries and fries. When cooked, it absorbs flavors beautifully, creating a delightful balance between our traditional seasonings and its succulent meat.



Common Carp are adaptable, thriving in various freshwater habitats across Pakistan. They inhabit rivers, lakes, and ponds, often preferring slow-moving waters with vegetation and hiding spots.



The size range of Mrigal carp can vary depending on factors such as age, habitat, and farming conditions. Generally, they can weigh anywhere from a few hundred grams to several kilograms. In aquaculture, Mrigal carp can grow to sizes of 1 to 3 kilograms or even larger, depending on the farming practices. In the wild, they can also reach larger sizes, with some individuals reaching over 5 kilograms.


Physical Attributes

Mrigal carp fish have an elongated body with large scales. Their coloration varies from silver to olive-green, with a white belly. They possess a dorsal fin with strong spines and a slightly protruding mouth. Their appearance varies with age and environment, adapting well to diverse aquatic habitats.


Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. – Whole: 100% 
  2. – Gutted: 80% 
  3. – Headlessd: 60% 
  4. – Slices: 55% 
  5. – Boneless: 40% 

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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