

Needlefish (Kanghi)

Rs 780.00

Needlefish (Kanghi) scientifically known as Ablennes hians in Pakistan are marine species characterized by their long, slender, and needle-like bodies. These fish are commonly found along the coastal regions of Pakistan, particularly in the Arabian Sea. They thrive in warm waters and are known for their distinctive appearance, with a sharp, beak-like snout filled with teeth.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose

  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Needlefish (Kanghi) scientifically known as Ablennes hians in Pakistan are marine species characterized by their long, slender, and needle-like bodies. These fish are commonly found along the coastal regions of Pakistan, particularly in the Arabian Sea. They thrive in warm waters and are known for their distinctive appearance, with a sharp, beak-like snout filled with teeth.

While needlefish are not a primary seafood choice in Pakistan, they play a role in the local fishing industry. However, their consumption is relatively limited due to their bony structure and potential ciguatera toxin risk. Despite this, their unique physical attributes and habitat make them an interesting part of Pakistan’s marine biodiversity.

Flavor Profile

Needlefish (Kanghi) have a distinct flavor profile. Their flesh is typically mild and delicate, with a subtle sweet undertone. The taste is often described as clean and slightly briny, reminiscent of other mild-flavored fish. However, the flavor can vary slightly depending on the specific species, diet, and preparation method.

Due to their slender, elongated bodies, needlefish tend to have a lower oil content compared to some other fish species, contributing to their mild taste. This makes them versatile in various culinary preparations, allowing them to absorb the flavors of accompanying seasonings, spices, or sauces while preserving their subtle sweetness.


Needlefish (Kanghi) in the Arabian Sea inhabit warm coastal and offshore waters, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.. Needlefish prefer the upper layers of the water column, and their streamlined bodies are well-suited for swimming near the surface.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. – Whole: 100% 
  2. – Gutted: 80% 
  3. – Headless 60% 
  4. – Slices: 55% 
  5. – Boneless: 

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