

Red Snapper (Heera)

Rs 1400.00

Red Snapper – Heera is one of the amazing and best-selling fish of the Arabian Sea. They are called “snappers” because of their large, animal-like teeth. Always high in demand and short in supply, the Red Snapper – Heera is a highly prized fish with almost stable demand throughout the year. It can fit almost all of your cooking requirements. Since it’s a good size fish, it can yield decent fillets, Boneless Biscuits, and Slices.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

  • Category : Saltwater Fish


Red Snapper – Heera is one of the amazing and best-selling fish of the Arabian Sea. They are called “snappers” because of their large, animal-like teeth. Always high in demand and short in supply, the Red Snapper – Heera is a highly prized fish with almost stable demand throughout the year. It can fit almost all of your cooking requirements. Since it’s a good size fish, it can yield decent fillets, Boneless Biscuits, and Slices.

Flavor Profile

Red Snapper is a lean, moist fish with a firm texture and a distinctive sweet, nutty flavor which makes it versatile for many flavor components from mild to strong.


Red Snapper is a Sea fish that mainly lives near brackish mangrove estuaries, and on coral reefs down to 80 m.


Generally, reddish-orange with a bronze to silvery sheen, grading to silvery white on belly and underside of the head, center of each scale on the side with a reddish-brown spot forming longitudinal rows on side of the body.


On average, Red Snapper size range is 0.5 kg to 5 kg per fish. However, larger sizes are also occasionally available.

Physical Attributes

Red Snapper has Scales on the body. Preorbital width equal to eye diameter or larger; vomerine teeth (on the roof of the mouth) in a V-shaped patch, without a medial posterior extension;  tongue with a  patch of fine granular teeth; scale rows on back parallel to a lateral line; 17–18 gill rakers on 1st-gill arch.

Cutting Preferences

Red Snapper is preferred for Whole, Slices, Boneless Fillets, Boneless Biscuits, and Boneless Fingers

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  • Whole: 100 %
  • Gutted: 80 %
  • Headless: 60 %
  • Slices: 60 %
  • Boneless: 38 %

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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