

White Barracuda (Safaid Kund)

Rs 1400.00

White barracuda or safaid kund is our all-time recommended fish to anyone who is looking to get the best value for the money. It’s a highly prized fish and is always short in supply. Hyderabad city of Pakistan is famous for having almost 50 percent of all white barracuda consumption.

This tasty and flaky fish is suitable for almost any cooking requirement and is completely odorless. White barracuda – safaid kund ( like all other barracudas ) is highly perishable and needs proper handling and care.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

  • Category : Saltwater Fish


White barracuda or safaid kund is our all-time recommended fish to anyone who is looking to get the best value for the money. It’s a highly prized fish and is always short in supply. Hyderabad city of Pakistan is famous for having almost 50 percent of all white barracuda consumption.

This tasty and flaky fish is suitable for almost any cooking requirement and is completely odorless. White barracuda – safaid kund ( like all other barracudas ) is highly perishable and needs proper handling and care.

Flavor Profile

White barracuda has pinkish raw flesh and a sweet moist taste. The meat is delicate and must be handled with care.


White Barracuda is a Sea fish that mainly lives near coastal waters, Creeks, estuaries, and lagoons


White barracuda is dusky yellowish-grey dorsally with about 20 dark crossbars reaching only slightly below the lateral line. The dorsal fins are dusky green-yellowish


On average, White Barracuda size range is 1 kg to 5 kg per fish. However, larger sizes are also occasionally available.

Physical Attributes

White Barracuda has Scales on the body. The Maxilla reaching to just below the anterior margin of the eye. It does not have gill rakers on 1st arch.

Cutting Preferences

White Barracuda is preferred for Slices, Boneless Fillets, Boneless Biscuits, and Boneless Fingers

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  1. Whole: 100 %
  2. Gutted: 78%
  3. Headless: 69%
  4. Slices: 70 %
  5. Boneless: 43 %

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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