

White Pomfret (Safaid Paplet)

Rs 3000.00

White Pomfret – Safaid paplait is probably one of the most famous in Pakistan. Always short in supply, White Pomfret – Safaid Paplait is a highly prized fish having almost one of the highest prices in the local market. A diamond-shaped fish, White Pomfret is one of the few fish that does not taste fishy and has no odor.

Note: All our prices are based on the pre-cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.


  • Category : Saltwater Fish


White Pomfret – Safaid paplait is probably one of the most famous in Pakistan. Always short in supply, White Pomfret – Safaid Paplait is a highly prized fish having almost one of the highest prices in the local market. A diamond-shaped fish, White Pomfret is one of the few fish that does not taste fishy and has no odor.

Flavor Profile

White Pomfret has bright white meat with fine fibers that is a little chewy and mildly oily. The flesh breaks up easily on the plate but not along distinct flake lines


White Pomfret is a Sea fish that mainly lives in the demersal region on the continental shelf to about 80 m. White Pomfret usually found in large schools over muddy bottoms.


White Pomfret is silvery-white on sides, and slightly darker bluish or greyish on back.


On average, White Pomfret is 250 grams in weight, However, Smaller and larger sizes are also available on demand.

Physical Attributes

White Pomfret has no visible Scales on the body. The body is firm, very deep, oval,  compressed;  dorsal and anal fins are preceded by 5–10 short, blade-like spines with pointed ends (embedded and barely visible in adults); dorsal-fin rays  37–43;  caudal fin deeply forked,  lower lobe often extended.

Approx. Cutting Wastage

  • Whole: 100 %
  • Gutted: 87 %
  • Headless: 75 %
  • Slices: 70 %
  • Boneless: 38 %

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


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